FREE Dead Sea Spa Care
Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream
Anti-Aging Facial Scrub Cream
Healthy and effective skin care must begin with clean skin. Treat your face to an invigorating cleansing by using the Dead Sea Spa Anti-Aging Facial Scrub Cream. Fresh and radiant skin requires a nourishing moisturizer. Protect, nourish and moisten the sensitive eye contour area against primary causes of premature skin aging by using the Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream.
During this FREE Trial Offer, the first 1,000 customers will have the opportunity to trial these two exclusive Dead Sea Spa Care facial products for FREE, simply paying shipping and handling.
After using these wonderful facial products, we are confident you will be a Dead Sea Spa Care customer for life.
Anti-Aging Facial Scrub and Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream - FREE! |
Limit One (1) Set Per Customer
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Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Aging Facial Scrub Cream

Healthy and effective skin care must begin with clean skin. Proper facial cleansing is very important. Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Aging Facial Scrub Cream is specially formulated with Dead Sea Minerals, Shea Butter and Vitamin E, which are known to be powerful anti-oxidants and skin strengthening natural ingredients to nourish and moisten your skin. The Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Aging Facial Scrub Cream contains mild granules that gently exfoliate the the facial skin clean of dead skin cells, dirt and oil, while leaving the skin moisturized and smooth. The gentle blend of rejuvenating minerals and beneficial properties of the Dead Sea allows for fresh and radiant skin to emerge. The Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Aging Facial Scrub Cream is made in Israel and is offered in a a 50 ml / 1.7 oz jar.
In a circular motion, gently rub the Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Aging Facial Scrub Cream around your moistened face, avoiding the eye area. This product should be used once a week to more deeply exfoliate your facial skin (especially in your "T" zone), as opposed to our Dead Sea Spa Care Cleansing Milk, which should be used morning and night. After using the Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Aging Facial Scrub Cream, wash your face with warm water, gently massage Anti-Wrinkle Moisture Cream and Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream into your skin until absorbed. For best results, apply moisturizers in the morning and at night, or any time your skin needs a moisturizing lift.
Skin Types:
Normal Skin, Dry Skin, Oily Skin, Combination Skin, Mature Skin, Non-Sensitive Skin, All Skin Types
Treatment For:
Exfoliation, Deep Cleansing, Anti-Aging Skin, Fine Lines, Sun Damage, Loss of Elasticity
Product Benefits:
- Dead Sea Salts have a high sulfur content and useful in the cleansing required to purify the skin of acne sufferers
- Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Aging Facial Scrub Cream contains numerous beneficial minerals from the Dead Sea
- Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Aging Facial Scrub Cream contains anti-oxidant and vitamins in addition to the beneficial mineral mud
- Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Aging Facial Scrub Cream gently exfoliates the facial skin clean of dead skin cells, dirt and oil, while leaving the skin moisturized and smooth
- Magnesium fights aging by stimulating skin cells to regenerate
Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream
Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream is specially formulated with Dead Sea Minerals, Vitamin A and Vitamin E, which are known to be powerful anti-oxidants and skin strengthening natural ingredients to nourish and moisten and protect the sensitive eye contour area against primary causes of premature skin aging. This professional eye cream keeps the very delicate skin around your eyes looking young by nourishing and revitalizing skin cells, stimulating metabolism to fight wrinkles and puffiness, and firm the skin. The gentle blend of rejuvenating minerals and beneficial properties of the Dead Sea allows for fresh and radiant skin to emerge. The Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream contains natural filter protection, due to the special Aloe Vera complex in the products, to help protect your skin from the effects of environmental damage. The ingredients provide UVA and UVB sun filters that protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation. The Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream is quickly absorbed into the skin leaving no shiny traces of residue making it a perfect base for makeup. It will leave your skin looking younger than ever. A little goes a long way with this nourishing formula to restore your skin's natural tone, reduce puffiness and revitalize your skin. The Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream is made in Israel and is offered in a 30 ml / 1 oz jar.
Before applying the Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream, cleans your skin from excess oil and impurities by using the Dead Sea Spa Care Cleansing Milk. Apply a small amount of the Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream onto the eye contour area gently massage into your skin until absorbed. For best results apply daily in the morning and at night. You may apply make up after applying the eye cream if desired. you should apply the Anti-Wrinkle Moisture Cream to the rest of your facial skin for a more complete Dead Sea treatment. Anti aging skin treatments are most successful if done daily to try and reduce primary causes of premature skin aging and reduce wrinkles.
Skin Types:
Normal Skin, Dry Skin, Oily Skin, Combination Skin, Mature Skin, Non-Sensitive Skin, All Skin Types
Treatment For:
Wrinkles, Anti-Aging Skin, Fine Lines, Dark Circles, Sun Damage, Loss of Elasticity, Puffiness
Product Benefits:
- Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream double as sunscreens due to the nature of the mineral mud
- Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream contains numerous beneficial minerals from the Dead Sea
- Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream Contains anti-oxidants and vitamins in addition to the beneficial mineral mud
- Dead Sea Spa Care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream leaves skin hydrated and protected all day
- Dead Sea Spa Care Anti
- Magnesium fights aging by stimulating skin cells to regenerate
Spanish Translation:
Si estas buscando la mejor crema para los ojos, una crema anti arrugas o una crema para humectar tus ojos. La Crema Anti Arrugas para los ojos / Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream de Dead Sea Spa Care está especialmente formulada con Minerales del Mar Muerto, Vitamina A y Vitamina E, que son conocidos como poderosos antioxidantes con ingredientes naturales para el fortalecimiento de la piel, nutrirla, humectarla y proteger la piel sensible que rodea tus ojos contra las causas primarias del envejecimiento prematuro de la piel.
Es un tratamiento intensivo profesional anti arrugas que mantiene joven la piel muy delicada del contorno de los ojos, nutriendo y revitalizando la células y estimulando el metabolismo de la piel para mantenerla firme.
La suave mezcla de minerales y propiedades de el Mar Muerto contiene un filtro protector con Aloe Vera que protege la piel de los efectos que causa el medio ambiente. Contiene filtros que ayudan a proteger tu piel de los rayos UVA y UVB y la nociva radiación ultravioleta.
Esta crema anti arrugas se absorbe rápidamente dejando tu piel sin brillo ni residuos. Funciona como una base perfecta para el maquillaje Esta crema antiarrugas dejará su piel con un aspecto más joven que nunca.
Esta crema anti arrugas para los ojos va un poco más lejos, con nuestra nutritiva formula para restaurar el tono natural de la piel, deducir la hinchazón y revitalizar la piel. La crema anti arrugas para los ojos Dead Sea Spa Care se fabrica en Israel y esta disponible en frascos de 1 Oz / 30 ml
Ates de aplicar la Crema Anti Arrugas para los ojos Dead Sea Spa Care, limpie la piel del exceso de aceites e impurezas utilizando la crema Dead Sea Spa Care Cleansing Milk, Aplique una pequeña cantidad de la crema anti arrugas en el contorno de los ojos y den un suave masaje hasta que la piel la absorba. Para mejores resultados aplique la en las mañanas y en la noches diariamente. Puede aplicar Make Up / Maquillaje si usted así lo decide. Para un mejor tratamiento en el resto de la piel de su cara sugerimos aplique también la Crema Humectante Anti arrugas, Dead Sea Spa Anti-Wrinkle Moisture Cream. Los tratamientos Anti arrugas dan mejores resultados se aplican diariamente para tratar de las causas primarias del envejecimiento de la piel y reducir las arrugas.
Tipos de Piel:
Piel Normal, Piel Seca, Piel Aceitosa, Piel Combinada, Piel Madura, Piel No Sensible, Todos los tipos de Piel
Tratamiento para:
Arrugas, Anti-Envejecimiento, Líneas Finas, Círculos Oscuros, Daños del Sol, Pérdida de Elasticidad, Faciales
Beneficios del Producto Crema Anti Arrugas para los Ojos
• El doble de protección de los rayos solares debido a la naturaleza de los minerales en el lodo
• Contienen numerosos minerales del Mar Muerto
• Contiene Anti Oxidantes, Vitaminas adicionales y Minerales que se encuentran en el lodo
• Deja la piel hidratada y protegida todo el día
• Nutre y revitaliza las células de la piel, estimula el metabolismo para evitar la arrugas, la flacidez dejando la piel firme
• El Magnesio evita el envejecimiento regenerando y estimulando las células de la piel
Product Reviews:
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I bought your product when I was on vacation in Orlando and my clients are excited about the product. Virginia, Spain
Today at our local mall I was approached by one of your sales people and he introduced me to your products. I must say that I am really amazed as to how the nail buffer shines your nails! I bought three sets, some Dead Sea Salt Scrub and some eye cream. I visited your website this evening to find out more information on our products. I am thrilled to see so many things available. I can't wait to by more stuff! Thank you, Sue Ann
I first bought this eye cream while on vacation in Hawaii. I loved it and continued to try to find it on the Internet. I can't tell you how glad I was to Find it here - and at such a great price. This stuff really works.
This cream is fantastic. Have the eye cream and the moisturizer. I'm 48 with very dry skin, but prone to breakouts. My skin feels amazing, and the moisturization LASTS. It improves your skin. VERY happy with this product. GET IT, you'll like it. Not too HEAVY either. It's RICH, but not too much so. NICE.